5th W@Competition Conference
Feb 2, 2023 09:00 - 18:30 CET
The Hotel, Brussels
Speakers include:
9:30 Chair's Welcome Remarks
- Evelina Kurgonaite
9:40 Fireside Chat: Competition Enforcement in a Downturn
- Linsey McCallum, Deputy Director-General for Antitrust, European Commission's DG COMP
- Anna Lyle-Smythe, Partner, Slaughter and May
10:10 Double-Espresso Talk: Cracking Cartels
- Maria Jaspers, Director – Cartels, European Commission's DG COMP
- Vanessa Turner, Senior Advisor – Competition, the European Consumer Organisation – BEUC
10:40 Coffee Break
11:00 The Perspective from the Helm: Catching the Tide & Staying Course
- Sarah Cardell, Chief Executive Officer, UK Competition and Markets Authority
- Cani Fernández, President of the Spanish Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia
- Margarida Matos Rosa, President of the Portuguese Autoridade da Concorrência
- Andreas Mundt, President, German Bundeskartellamt
- Evelina Kurgonaite, Founder, W@Competition (Chair)
12:20 Lunch
13:30 Taking on the Digital Challenge
- Prof. Elisabetta Iossa, Commissioner, Italian Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato
- Claudia Berg, General Counsel, UK Information Commissioner's Office
- Rita Wezenbeek, Director – Platforms, European Commission's DG CNECT
- Pascale Déchamps, Head of Antitrust Unit, French Autorité de la Concurrence
- Annemarie Sipkes, BEREC Chair, Director, Netherlands Autoriteit Consument & Markt
- Aleksandra Boutin, Founding Partner, Positive Competition (Chair)
14:50 Navigating Global Merger Control
- Patty Brink, Acting Deputy Director, US Federal Trade Commission (on detail from the DOJ)
- Bitten Thorgaard Sørensen, Head of Competition Law & Policy, A.P. Moller – Maersk
- Catherine Johnson, General Counsel, London Stock Exchange
- Marie Claire Strawbridge, Partner, Morrison & Foerster
- Merit Olthoff, Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
- Hazel Yin, Partner, RuiMin
- Ethel Fonseca, Partner, RBB Economics (Chair)
16:15 Coffee Break
16:35 Double-Espresso Talk: Is There an A in ESG? The Relevance (or Not?) of Antitrust in Emerging ESG Frameworks
- Anneleen Straetemans, Global Head of Legal & Corporate Affairs, Direct to Consumer, AB InBev
- Fiona Carlin, Partner, Baker & McKenzie
17:05 The Role of the Judiciary in Competition Enforcement
- Lady Vivien Rose, DBE, Judge at the Supreme Court of the UK
- Prof. Suzanne Kingston, Judge at the General Court of the EU
- Isabelle de Silva, President of the Sixth Chamber, French Conseil d'État
- Mieke Dudok van Heel, Senior Judge at the District Court of Amsterdam
- Cristina Sjödin, Member of the European Commission’s Legal Service
- Claire Simpson, Barrister, Legal Service, EFTA Surveillance Authority (Chair)
18:25 Closing Remarks
18:30 Drinks & Announcement of 5 Star Competition Professionals Awards: UK & Ireland and Iberia