Linsey McCallum

Linsey McCallum

Belgium, Brussels
Deputy Director General at Directorate General Competition (DG COMP) - European Commission
Profession: Lawyer
Industry: Competition, Regulatory / Enforcement


Deputy Director-General for Antitrust at the European Commission’s DG COMP since October 2020. She joined the Commission in 1993 from private practice, initially as a trade negotiator during the Uruguay Round. After joining DG COMP in 1995, she held a series of antitrust and merger case-handling and policy posts.  In 1999-2002, she was a member of cabinet of Vice-President Kinnock before rejoining DG COMP as the assistant to the Director General for antitrust and mergers.  In 2005-2011, she was Head of Unit for antitrust in transport; later served as Head of Unit for mergers in digital sectors before her appointment as Director for technology, media and telecoms in 2013.  Before her current roles, she served as Commissioner Vestager’s Deputy Head of Cabinet with oversight of the competition portfolio. Graduated with a first class degree in law from the University of Glasgow; holds MA in EU law from the College of Europe in Bruges.


English, French, German


AntitrustCompetition PolicyMerger ControlState Aid


Directorate General Competition (DG COMP) - European Commission

Deputy Director General at Directorate General Competition (DG COMP) - European Commission

2020 - Present • Brussels, Belgium

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