Be found. Be heard. Be seen.

Be found. Be heard. Be seen.

A platform for women professionals


We aim to:

  • enable women professionals to be easily found, based on merit
  • normalise women professionals’ presence in public space
  • facilitate connections among women professionals

Women professionals 

on the radar


W@ ethos is based on heuristics – mental shortcuts people use to quickly form judgments. These natural biases lead people to stereotypically consider professionals who are known, familiar as superior, more knowledgeable, better experts than those who are unknown, unfamiliar.


Traditionally, men have enjoyed more visibility, whilst fewer female experts feature in professional rankings, media and events. W@ endeavours to adjust this dynamic. 


Join and help us dispel myths that:

  • there is a lack of women professionals
  • women professionals prefer to stay invisible
  • women professionals are poor networkers

How does W@ work?


W@ is designed to work as an umbrella platform for professionally homogenous communities in different fields and/or jurisdictions.


W@Competition was launched in 2016, in Brussels – the cradle of antitrust policy. Meanwhile, it has national branches across Europe – including France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey and the UK – as well as regional branches: the CEE, Iberia and Nordic regions. The regional branch in the Americas, led out of Washington DC, welcomes women antitrust professionals in the US, Canada, Central and South Americas. W@Competition is also present in South Africa. 


Women in other professional spheres have established new W@ communities such as W@IP, W@LifeSciences, W@Digital and W@Privacy. 

Get involved

W@ is open and inclusive for women of all walks of the professional life and regardless of their affiliation or seniority. We follow a pragmatic and constructive approach – beyond identifying problems and instead of criticising the imperfect status quo – W@ endeavours to offer a solution, which has already yielded positive results. Be part of the solution.

A new W@ community

You have long wanted to convene and/or lead a network of peers in your profession? Or perhaps you just got inspired to do so while browsing our website? Reach out, and let's add another arm to W@.

One of W@ communities

Connect with colleagues of your profession in your country or region. Browse 'Who we are' list of existing W@ branches and join events or other activities of relevance to your work, in your jurisdiction.

Part of W@

Strengthen your network by joining a community of hundreds of professionals around the world. Help those looking for professionals with your knowledge, skills and experience find you.

And implement ideas

You have an idea of how to enhance merit-based visibility for women professionals? W@ might be just the forum to realise it. Be it an event or some other project – share your idea with us, and let‘s make it happen.

People who drive W@

We offer


  • an open platform for women professionals, based on free membership
  • events featuring women speakers – open for both female and male attendees
  • professional development & networking occasions
  • other professional visibility-enhancing activities





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