7th W@Competition Conference

7th W@Competition Conference

Mar 13, 2025 09:00 - 18:30 CET
The Hotel, Brussels

Speakers include:

Agile Competition

The 7th edition of the W@Competition Annual Conference will explore the role of competition policy and enforcement in times when the only constant is change. 


9:00 Doors open


9:30 Opening Remarks


9:45 Double Espresso Talk “Looking Back to the Future”

  • Isabelle de Silva, President of the 6th Chamber, Conseil d'État, ex-President, French Autorité de la concurrence
  • Margarida Matos Rosa, ex-President, Portuguese Autoridade da Concorrência


10:15 Agile Ideas for Agile Competition

  • Angeline Woods, Senior Director - Global Antitrust, Artificial Intelligence and EU Affairs, Uber
  • Amaryllis Müller, Counsel, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton


  • Maria Carrasco, Senior Legal Counsel Antitrust, Zalando
  • Dr. Elisa Hauch, Counsel, Blomstein



  • Dr. Sabrina Frank, Senior Legal Counsel Antitrust | Litigation, Axel Springer
  • Shweta Vasani, Senior Counsel, Slaughter and May



12:00 Lunch


13:30 Agile Authorities in Times When the Only Constant is Change

  • Sarah Cardell, CEO, UK Competition and Markets Authority
  • Cani Fernandez, President, Spain's Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia
  • Natalie Harsdorf, Director General, Austrian Bundeswettbewerbsbehörde
  • Andreas Mundt, President, German Bundeskartellamt
  • Evelina Kurgonaite, W@Competition Founder (Chair)


15:00 Double-Espresso Talk “A Global Approach to Agile Competition?"


15:30 Coffee Break


15:50 Agile Economics to Tackle Challenges of Today


17:10 Closing Remarks 


17:20 Networking Drinks


Convening over 400 people in the two most recent editions, this has become one of the largest competition conferences in Brussels. It is also most certainly the largest independent, non-commercial and non-partisan conference of this kind in Europe.


The event is open to everyone interested regardless of gender, seniority or affiliation. Advance registration required. 

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