W@CompetitionAmericas Talk in Mexico
Oct 2, 2024 18:30
Hotel W, Campos Elíseos 252, Polanco, Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo, 11560 Ciudad de México, CDMX
Competition Authorities and Enforcement Trends
W@CompetitionAmericas invites to the second international event in the Mexico city on the hottest antitrust topics.
The discussion will feature senior competition enforcers from multiple jurisdictions:
- Emma Burnham, Director of Criminal Enforcement at the U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division
- Maria Jaspers, Director - Cartels, European Commission's DG COMP
- Despina Pachnou, Competition Expert, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- Lucilia Falsarella Pereira, Senior Director - Competition Enforcement (interim) at the UK Competition and Markets Authority
- María Luisa (Marisa) Tierno Centella, Head of the International Unit, European Commission's DG COMP, Former Director-General for Competition at the Spanish Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia
The event, kindly hosted by Galicia Abogados, S.C. is open to everyone interested, regardless of gender. Advance registration is required, Places are limited. First come, first served - REGISTER NOW!