Siún O’Keeffe

Siún O’Keeffe

Netherlands, The Hague
Manager at Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM) - Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets
Profession: Lawyer
Industry: Competition, Regulatory / Enforcement
At W@: Board of W@CompetitionNL


Manager of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) Academy. Acting manager at the Legal Services Department ACM (jul 2020-jun 2021). Previously, she was Senior Strategy Advisor to the ACM Board, Senior International Advisor and case-handler. Before joining ACM in 2003, Siún worked as interim référendaire at the European General Court and lectured European and Competition law at the Universities of Limerick in Ireland and Nijmegen in the Netherlands. 


English, Dutch, French, Irish


AntitrustMerger ControlEU LawCompetition Policy


Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM) - Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets

Manager at Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM) - Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets

March 2018 - Present • The Hague, The Netherlands

Manager of the ACM Academy with responsibility for Learning and Development at the ACM.


King's Inns

Barrister at law

College of Europe

Masters in EU Law

University College Cork

BCL (Law and French) 1988- 1991 LLB 1991-1992

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