W@Competition Talk "Merger Control in Commissioner Vestager's Era"
May 16, 2019 12:00 - 14:00 CTE
PaRR Brussels Office, rue Ducale 83, 1000, Brussels
Join W@Competition Talk "Merger Control in Commissioner Vestager's Era"
Margrethe Vestager’s term as Competition Commissioner has seen some remarkable merger cases, focusing on innovation, conglomerate and vertical effects, and impact of big data and digital platforms.
How has Commissioner Vestager shaped merger control and what legacy will she leave?
Join us for an interactive discussion featuring:
- Hanna Anttilainen, Head of Unit, Mergers, Energy & Environment, DG Comp
- Bojana Ignjatovic, Partner, RBB Economics
- Elena Favaro Susplugas, Legal Director M&A, Antitrust and Financing, Thales
- Asa S. Hallsdottir, Associate, Antitrust/EU Competition, Cleary Gottlieb
- Francesca Micheletti, Associate Editor, Merger Control, PaRR (moderator)
The event, hosted by PaRR, is open to everyone interested, regardless of gender.
Advance registration is required, first come - first served.
WHEN: 12:00 - 14:00, 16 May, 2019, light lunch will be served
WHERE: PaRR Brussels Office, rue Ducale 83, 1000, Brussels