W@CompetitionIberia Double Espresso Talk "Public concessions and Merger Control: an (im)possible equilibrium?"
Jun 30, 2021 13:00 - 13:45 CET
Join the second of W@CompetitionIberia Double Espresso Talk Trilogy
This talk will feature:
- Rita Prates, Legal adviser, Merger Control Department at Autoridade da Concorrência
- Patricia Vidal Martínez, Partner, Uría Menendez
- José Luís Cruz Vilaça, Managing Partner, Cruz Vilaça Advogados, Former Judge at the Court of Justice of the European Union (moderator)
The webinar is open to all interested professionals, regardless of gender. Advance registration is required.
WHEN: 13:00 - 13:45 CET
HOW: Dial-in details and other details will be shared with registered attendees
Other webinars of this trilogy include: