W@CompetitionIberia Double Espresso Talk "Do we believe in 'big is bad'? The Commission’s proposals for the digital sector"
Oct 8, 2021 13:00 - 13:45 CET
NEW DATE! The third of W@CompetitionIberia Double Espresso Talk Trilogy
This talk will feature:
- Inge Bernaerts, Director, Policy and Strategy Unit at Directorate-General for Competition European Commission
- Marianela López-Galdos Director, Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA)
- Carla Farinhas, moderator
The webinar is open to all interested professionals, regardless of gender. Advance registration is required.
WHEN: 13:00 - 13:45 CET
HOW: Dial-in details and other details will be shared with registered attendees
Other webinars of this trilogy include: