Nadja Waksman

Nadja Waksman

United Kingdom, London, UK
Competition & Regulatory Lawyer at BT Group
Profession: Attorney / Solicitor, In-House Counsel, Lawyer
Industry: Telecommunications


I am part of BT's Competition and Regulatory In-house Legal Team. Prior to joining BT I worked at Ashurst LLP, London. My experience in-house and in private practice includes competition law investigations, litigation, merger clearances and competition law compliance.


English, German, French


Merger ControlAbuse of DominanceCompliance ProgrammesCartelsLitigation


BT Group

Competition & Regulatory Lawyer at BT Group

September 2023 - Present • London, United Kingdom

Working on a broad range of competition and regulatory matters including merger clearance, competition law investigations, compliance and behavioural matters.


Oxford University

BA Jurisprudence, Law with Law Studies in Europe

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