Julia Wambach

Julia Wambach

United Kingdom, London
VP & Senior Counsel at American Express
Profession: Lawyer, In-House Counsel
Industry: Payment Services


VP & Senior Counsel at American Express, advising on antitrust, merger control and payments regulation. Previously Julia spent over five years at the European Commission’s DG Competition, dealing with antitrust and merger cases in the IT, telecoms and media sectors. Julia is a German qualified lawyer who studied law at the Universities of Freiburg and Bielefeld and holds an LL.M. in European Law from the College of Europe in Bruges.


English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish


AntitrustMerger ControlPayments regulation


American Express

VP & Senior Counsel at American Express

November 2021 - Present • London, United Kingdom

In my current role as VP & Senior Counsel my team and I advise on a wide range of antitrust and payment systems regulatory matters.

Director & Counsel at American Express

4 years 4 mth • June 2016 - October 2020 • London, United Kingdom

In my previous role at American Express I used to advise the company on a wide range of antitrust and payment systems regulatory matters. |-American Express & Harvard Certificate in Leadership Excellence (2018) |-Women@ - 30 in their 30s notable women competition professionals: recognition in the in-house category (2017)

Directorate General Competition (DG COMP) - European Commission

Case Handler at Directorate General Competition (DG COMP) - European Commission

5 years 4 mth • February 2011 - June 2016 • Brussels, Belgium

During my tenure at the Commission’s antitrust and merger control branch – DG COMP, I handled high profile antitrust as well as merger cases in the fields of media, telecoms and tech. Throughout my tenure I have worked at the interface between competition law and sectoral regulation in the telecoms and media sectors.


Higher Regional Court Offenburg (Germany)

Legal training to qualify as a lawyer (Rechtsreferendariat) with a focus on antitrust and corresponding seats at Linklaters LLP in Brussels and DG Competition of the European Commission Final exam (2. Staatesexamen) with a specialisation in EU law and public international law

College of Europe (Bruges)

LL.M. in European Law Master's Thesis "Fundamental social rights v. fundamental freedoms: a step beyond Schmidberger?" Member of the winning team of the European Law Moot Court 2007/2008

Universities of Freiburg and Bielefeld

German law degree (1. Staatsexamen) with a specialisation in EU law and public international law

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