Helena Höök

Helena Höök

Sweden, Stockholm
Competition Counsel at Konkurrensverket (KKV) - Swedish Competition Authority
Profession: Lawyer
Industry: Competition, Regulatory / Enforcement, EU Affairs, Compliance, Enforcement


Competition counsel at the Swedish Competition Authority’s Cartel and Merger Unit. Prior to joining the authority, I have many years of experience advising clients on all aspects of competition law in major law firms in Stockholm and Brussels. I have a Master of Laws from Lund University and studied business law at KU Leuven.


English, Swedish


Competition PolicyCompliance ProgrammesEU LawMerger ControlState AidAbuse of DominanceAntitrust LawCartelsEU antitrust


Konkurrensverket (KKV) - Swedish Competition Authority

Competition Counsel at Konkurrensverket (KKV) - Swedish Competition Authority

December 2016 - Present • Stockholm, Sweden

Competition Counsel


Associate at Vinge

7 years 2 mth • September 2009 - November 2016 • Stockholm, Sweden

Associate in the EU and competition pratice


KU Leuven

Exchange studies EU business law

Lund University

Master of Laws

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