W@IP Talk The European Commission’s IP Action Plan: What is the role of IP in the EU’s post-pandemic recovery and global competitiveness?
The second W@IP Talk on the European Commission’s IP Action Plan
On 26 January, join the second W@IP Talk. The recently announced EU Commission’s Action Plan on Intellectual Property (IP) has ambitious objectives: improve protection of IP rights, help SMEs, R&D communities and companies capitalise on their inventions and creations, and incentivise transfer of IP-protected technologies in times of COVID-19 crisis, all that in combination with a reinforced support for the digital and green transition.
It raises several questions. In a time of economic recession, isn’t there a risk that IP budgets will be the first to be cut? If investment in intangible assets are key to the EU’s competitiveness, how do we ensure that IP forms an integral part of the recovery strategy? How can IP support the transition towards a green and digital European economy?
Amaryllis Verhoeven, Head of Intellectual Property Unit at the European Commission (DG GROW F5) will share some insights on this comprehensive IP Action Plan and answer questions
The event is open to everybody interested, regardless of gender. Advanced registration required.
WHEN: Tuesday 26 January, 09:00 - 10:00 CET
WHERE: Online Webinar; connection details to be provided after registration