W@CompetitionNL Masterclass in Competition Conversations:

W@CompetitionNL Masterclass in Competition Conversations:

Mar 24, 2025 16:00 - 19:00 CET
Autoriteit Consument & Markt, The Hague

Join this W@CompetitionNL Event

Join us for our next event for a Masterclass on 'Competition Conversations' at the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets, featuring a keynote address by Mieke Dudok van Heel, Senior Judge at District Court of Amsterdam


Effective communication in competition law cases amongst regulators, clients, judiciary, lawyers and economists is absolutely key. 
It can help ensure unwanted surprises for clients, economic evidence is easy to understand, concerns of regulators are heard and priority in cases is identified. Join us for an enriching afternoon of learning.


Moderated by Milou Dijkman -  public speaking coach and trainer.


15:00  Doors open.  The event is open to everyone interested. Advance registration required. First come, first served. Register now!


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