W@Privacy Talk on GDPR Procedural Regulation

W@Privacy Talk on GDPR Procedural Regulation

Sep 26, 2023 15:00 - 16:15 CET

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We will be discussing the GDPR Procedural Regulation aimed at improving General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) cross-border enforcement. 



  • Ursula Pachl, Deputy Director General, European Consumer Organisation - BEUC
  • Cecilia Alvarez, EMEA Privacy Policy Director, META
  • Karolina Mojzesowicz, Deputy Head of Unit Data Protection, European Commission
  • Carolina Foglia, Head of Sector, Legal Affairs Cooperation and Enforcement, European Data Protection Board
  • Nathalie Laneret, VP Government Affairs and Public Policy - CRITEO (moderator)


More about the event

2023 marks the five years of the GDPR. To address some of the GDPR’s shortcomings in cross-border enforcement cases, the EU Commission has released a draft regulation to streamline the cooperation between data protection authorities and to harmonise some aspects of the administrative procedures. The topics to be covered include complaint handling, form of complaints, duration of proceedings, right to be heard and involvement of complainants in the procedure. During this webinar key stakeholders will provide their views as to what should be the outcomes to be reached and the improvements to be made.  


Join us for this W@Privacy-exclusive webinar! You will get answers to the following questions: 

  • What are the shortcomings in GDPR cross-border enforcement?
  • What are the main changes of the EU Commission proposal?
  • What should be the rights of the party under investigation and the data subjects?
  • What are the next steps and when to expect a final text?



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