Zuzana Palkechova

Zuzana Palkechova

Slovakia, Bratislava
Senior Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers
Profession: Adviser / Consultant
Industry: Consulting


Zuzana works as a Senior Manager at the PwC, having 12+ years of experience. Zuzana is and is head of EU funding & State Aid in Slovakia. Zuzana works in the field of EU legislation, in particular state aid, she leads large-scale Investment and R&D projects, including IPCEI projects for corporate clients in Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic. Zuzana has broad knowledge in Cohesion policy and has worked for various corporate and European clients.




State AidEU FundingCohesion PolicyRegional Investment Aid



Senior Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers

June 2016 - Present • Bratislava - Nové Mesto, Slovakia

Zuzana is a head of EU funding & State Aid in Slovakia
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