Zeynep Sengoren Ozcan

Zeynep Sengoren Ozcan

Turkey, Ankara
Consultant at Balcıoğlu Selcuk Ardıyok Keki Attorneys at Law
Profession: Adviser / Consultant
Industry: Competition


Since 2022, I have been working as a consultant at Baseak and assisting clients on complex competition law cases. I started my career at the Turkish Competition I worked both as a case handler and as the Deputy Head of the Department, and participated in many antitrust investigations, mergers & acquisitions mainly in digital, finance, energy, automotive, transportation, tourism and chemicals sectors; and participated the regulative attempts regarding big tech companies. 


Turkish, English, German


Abuse of DominanceAntitrustCartelsCompetition PolicyCompliance Programmes


Balcıoğlu Selcuk Ardıyok Keki Attorneys at Law

Consultant at Balcıoğlu Selcuk Ardıyok Keki Attorneys at Law

July 2022 - Present • Ankara, Turkey

Asssisting the clients on competition law cases and compliance programmes.

Rekabet Kurumu - Turkish Competition Authority

Competition Law Expert at Rekabet Kurumu - Turkish Competition Authority

13 years 5 mth • January 2009 - June 2022 • Ankara, Turkey

Workes as case handler and Deputy Head of Department.
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