Vera Pozzato
Italian, English, French
Directorate General Competition (DG COMP) - European Commission
Senior Policy Officer at Directorate General Competition (DG COMP) - European Commission
March 2022 - Present • Brussels, Belgium
Providing advice and support to antitrust units and leading policy projects on substantive and procedural aspects of the enforcement against abuses of dominant position and agreements between competitors.Case Handler at Directorate General Competition (DG COMP) - European Commission
December 2020 - false • Brussels, Belgium
Working in the unit dealing with State Aid in the Energy sector. Involved in policy projects (review EEAG) and review of national plans under the RRF. Dealing with cases related to renewable energy, gas storage, closure of lignite plants and mines, CHP power plants...Case Handler at Directorate General Competition (DG COMP) - European Commission
5 years • November 2015 - November 2020 • Brussels, Belgium
Antitrust investigations in the ICT sector. Lead case handler in the Google AdSense case. Member of the Google Shopping team. Providing antitrust training. Involvement in policy projects.Knowledge Lawyer at Directorate General Competition (DG COMP) - European Commission
1 years 7 mth • March 2014 - October 2015 • Brussels, Belgiums
Knowledge Manager for the Merger Network. Devising a knowledge management strategy; ideating and implementing a fully renovated merger knowledge sharing platform. Coordination with knowledge managers in the other instruments.Case Handler at Directorate General Competition (DG COMP) - European Commission
3 years 11 mth • March 2007 - February 2011 • Brussels, Belgium
Senior merger case handler. Involved in a large number of mergers in the ICT sector (Google/DoubleClick; Oracle/Sun Microsystems; NewsCorp BSkyB; T-Mobile/Orange in NL and UK... ). Investigations in telecom sector. Participation in cartel inspections.European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)
Legal Advisor at European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)
2 years 11 mth • March 2011 - February 2014 • Brussels, Belgium
Providing legal advice on compliance of EU legislation with EU data protection law to the EDPS. Focus on cloud computing, money laundering, interplay between competition and data protections, EU sanctions under CFSP. Participating in the debates related to the development of the GDPR.Education:
Amsterdam Law School, Universiteit van Amsterdam
2002 - 2003
LLM European Business law, with distinction. Subjects: EU competition law, telecommunications law, EU politics, Economics.
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan
1996 - 2002
Law degree with specialization in international law. Thesis on "State controlled companies and competition law regime".