Vaido Poldoja

Vaido Poldoja

Senior Legal Counsel at EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA)
Profession: Lawyer
Industry: Regulatory / Enforcement, Competition, Telecommunications, Energy


Senior Legal Officer at the Competition and State aid directorate of the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA). Among other tasks, ESA enforces competition and state aid rules in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. At ESA, Vaido has worked on a broad range of sectors and issues related to state support measure such as renewables, carbon capture and storage & ETS, energy taxation, broadband, COVID-19 measures, RDI support measures, transport and state aid private enforcement.  Prior to joining ESA, Vaido worked in various state aid units at the European Commission (DG COMP), and spent several years in private practice at a pan-Baltic law firm in Estonia working on antitrust, mergers, state aid and telecom regulatory.


English, Estonian


EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA)

Senior Legal Counsel at EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA)

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