Tania Van Den Brande

Tania Van Den Brande

United Kingdom, London
Economics Director at The UK Office of Communications (Ofcom)
Profession: Economist
Industry: Competition, Regulatory / Enforcement, Economics


Tania Van den Brande is a Director of Economics at Ofcom, where she leads economic input on issues related to digital markets and online safety. Before joining Ofcom, Tania worked as an economic consultant. She advised clients in front of competition authorities in relation to market investigations, cartel investigations, as well as mergers raising horizontal and vertical competition concerns. Tania has expertise in the use of estimation and simulation methods to address competition questions.


English, Dutch


AntitrustAbuse of DominanceCartelsConsumer LawCompetition Policy


The UK Office of Communications (Ofcom)

Economics Director at The UK Office of Communications (Ofcom)

September 2019 - Present • London, United Kingdom

I am a Director of Economics at Ofcom, where I lead economic input on issues related to competition in digital markets and online safety.

Principal Economist at The UK Office of Communications (Ofcom)

1 years 3 mth • May 2018 - August 2019 • London, United Kingdom

As a Principal Economist at Ofcom, I worked on a range of cases spanning consumer policy and competition in digital markets.

RBB Economics

Principal at RBB Economics

3 years 9 mth • April 2014 - January 2018 • London, United Kingdom

As a Principal Economist at RBB Economics, I advised clients in front of European and national competition authorities in relation to mergers in fast moving consumer goods and the telecoms sector. I also worked with clients in relation to damages estimates as a result of a cartel finding by European competition authorities.

Senior Associate at RBB Economics

2 years 11 mth • April 2011 - March 2014 • London, United Kingdom

As a Senior Associate at RBB, I worked on a range of mergers involving fast moving consumer goods in both the UK and Europe. I also advised a client in the context of a market investigation by the UK competition authorities into the private healthcare market, and supported a financial institution as part of a cartel investigation by the European competition authorities.

Associate at RBB Economics

2 years 8 mth • July 2008 - March 2011 • London, United Kingdom

As an Associate at RBB, I worked on a range of mergers involving fast moving consumer goods, petrol retailing and mining.
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