Oylum Çelik

Oylum Çelik

Turkey, Istanbul
Legal Intern at TILEGAL LAW FIRM
Profession: Attorney / Solicitor
Industry: Competition


I have been graduated from Marmara University Law Faculty in 2021. Currently, I am working as a legal intern at Tilegal Law Office.During last couple of years, I made all effort to improve my knowledge in competition law suchlike attending courses at Bilgi University. Moreover, I completed internship programme at Turkish Competition Authority. It is my desire to work particularly in the field of competition law in my career.


Turkish, English


Abuse of DominanceAntitrust LawCommercial agreementsCommercial disputesMergersMerger ControlLitigationLegal AdviceLegal Research


Rekabet Kurumu - Turkish Competition Authority

Intern at Rekabet Kurumu - Turkish Competition Authority

• April 2021 - April 2021 • Ankara, Türkiye



Legal Intern at TILEGAL LAW FIRM

September 2021 - Present • Istanbul, Turkey

At Tilegal Law Office, I have an opportunity to work in the field of competition practices for national and international clients. I also work on vertical agreements and notification of merger and acqusition to the Turkish Competition Authority.


Marmara University Law Faculty

I graduated as a high honour student. GPA: 3.50

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