Miguel de la Mano

Miguel de la Mano

Belgium, Brussels
Compass Lexecon
Profession: Economist, Adviser / Consultant
Industry: Competition, Economics, Consulting


Executive Vice President at Compass Lexecon. Before that he was Head of Economic Analysis and Evaluation at DG Internal Market. He joined the European Commission in late 2000 as a competition economist. In 2003 he became a member of the Chief Economist Team. He was appointed Deputy Chief Economist in early 2009. From October 2011 to May 2012 he was Acting Chief Economist at the UK Competition Commission. He has co-drafted guidelines setting out the European Commission’s analytical framework on merger control, vertical and horizontal agreements (Article 101) as well as single firm conduct (Article 102). He also co-drafted “guidelines on the submission on economic evidence” for DG COMP and the “new market investigation guidelines” for the former UK Competition Commission.


Compass Lexecon

Compass Lexecon

Present • Belgium

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