Liliane Giardino-Karlinger

Liliane Giardino-Karlinger

Belgium, Brussels
Member of Cabinet at Directorate General Competition (DG COMP) - European Commission
Profession: Economist
Industry: Competition, Regulatory / Enforcement, Economics


I am a Member of the Cabinet of EVP Vestager at the European Commission. My previously served as a Senior Economist at EFTA Surveillance Authority (Competition & State Aid Directorate), advising mainly on antitrust and state aid cases. I hold a PhD in Economics from the European University Institute (Florence, Italy), and spent 11 years in academia, first as Assistant Professor at the economics department of University of Vienna, and then at LUISS University in Rome. In 2016-2021, I was an Economist at the Chief Economist Team at the European Commission's DG COMP.


Italian, French, English, German


AntitrustCompetition PolicyState Aid


Directorate General Competition (DG COMP) - European Commission

Member of Cabinet at Directorate General Competition (DG COMP) - European Commission

April 2023 - Present • Brussels, Belgium

Economic Analyst at Directorate General Competition (DG COMP) - European Commission

5 years • September 2016 - September 2021 • Bruxelles, BELGIUM

Providing economic advice on all areas of competition policy: antitrust, mergers, and state aid, for the cases and policy projects run at DG COMP. DG Competition is responsible for establishing and implementing competition policy for the European Union.

EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA)

Economic Analyst at EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA)

11 mth • September 2021 - August 2022 • Bruxelles, BELGIUM

Providing economic expertise to ESA's competition and state aid cases, liaising with other competition and regulatory authorities. The EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) monitors compliance with European Economic Area rules in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, enabling them to participate in the European Internal Market.


European University Institute

Department of Economics Ph.D. in Economics, Dec. 2005, Thesis Title: “Illicit Firm Behavior: Collusion, Exclusion, and Shadow-Economic Activity” Supervisors: Massimo Motta and Frank Vella

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