Kim Gillade

Kim Gillade

Belgium, Brussels
Counsel at Eubelius
Profession: Lawyer, Attorney / Solicitor
Industry: Competition


I have been practicing competition law in Brussels and abroad for over 10 years. My expertise spans all areas of competition law and I have gained vast experience across sectors, including telecommunication and digital markets, banking and payments, basic industries, etc. In that capacity I advise private and public clients, both advising and - if needed - litigating. I am looking forward to connecting with my peers.


Dutch, French, English, Spanish


AntitrustEU LawCompliance ProgrammesLitigationMerger ControlState Aid



Counsel at Eubelius

January 2023 - Present • Brussels, Belgium

I advise clients on all competition law matters, including merger control, antitrust and state aid issues.

Senior attorney at Eubelius

1 years 3 mth • September 2021 - December 2022 • Brussel, Belgium

I advise clients on all competition law matters, including merger control, antitrust and state aid issues.


College of Europe, Bruges

LLM European law

Ghent University

Bachelor and Master in Law

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