Julia Werberich
Portugal, Lisboa
Legal Advisor at Administrative Council for Economic Defense
Profession: Lawyer
Industry: Competition, Financial Services, Regulatory / Enforcement, Compliance
English, Portuguese, French
Administrative Council for Economic Defense
Legal Advisor at Administrative Council for Economic Defense
April 2021 - Present • Brasilia, Brazil
Substitute Chieff of Staff at the office of former Comissioner Maurício Maia for the final period of his term of office in the year of 2021; Technical Advisor at the presidency since June 2021, during the term of office of the president Alexandre Cordeiro; Final activities of merger control at the Administrative Court, through the analysis of the competition impacts of the notified operation, encompassing: analysis and definition of the relevant market, level of concentration and company's market share, market power, competitive overlapping impacts horizontal or vertical integration, possibility of exercising market power, probability of exercise of market power, analysis of rivalry, barriers to entry and efficiencies generated by the operation; Final activity to combat infractions against the economic order (Cartel and other collusive conducts and unilateral conducts) through the analysis of the Administrative Proceedings in progress before the Administrative Court and evaluation of the competitive impacts generated by the considered anticompetitive conducts; Advising the president by writing votes of the presidency for the judgement sessions, as well as decisions and official letters; Periodic monitoring of current legislation, jurisprudence and doctrine for the elaboration of votes, decision-making and ordinary dispatches and official letters; Support to the judgment sessions of Cade's court through detailing and summarizing the cases, analysis of board member impediments, mapping of cases, participation in meetings with lawyers and follow-up on discussions in internal board meetings; Support for the judgment sessions of CADE's Tribunal by detailing and summarizing processes, analysis of impediment of counselors, mapping of cases, participation of meetings with lawyers and follow-up of discussions in internal seminars; Stock management of cases before the Court; Advice for CADE's political and social representation throughout the writing of articles for international publication and draft resolutions and regulations internal to CADE; Participation in commissions and negotiation committees; Articulation between CADE and other regulatory agencies in Brazil;Education:
Fundação Getúlio Vargas
2021 - 2022
Post Graduation Degree in Business Law
University of Brasília
2013 - 2017
Bachelor of Laws