Giovanna Mazzeo Ortolani

Giovanna Mazzeo Ortolani

Belgium, Brussels
Economic and policy analyst at European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Profession: Economist, Policy Officer
Industry: Government Administration


Economic and policy analyst at the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC). Giovanna joined the JRC in 2021, where she researches and manages projects on education, labour market transitions, and social protection using quantitative economic analysis. She is also a PhD fellow on Public Policy at UNU-MERIT/Maastricht Uni, specializing on social protection in developing countries. She is committed to gathering relevant evidence for better public policies guaranteeing social inclusion.


Italian, Portuguese, French, Spanish, English


Social policyInclusionMacroeconomicsFiscal policyResearch


European Commission (DG EMPL)

Bluebook trainee at European Commission (DG EMPL)

4 mth • March 2021 - July 2021 • Brussels, Belgium

Research and policy analysis of labour market reforms in EU27, in particular on unemployment benefits and employment protection legislation (EPL).

European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC)

Economic and policy analyst at European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC)

February 2021 - Present • Brussels, Belgium

Research and project leader on STEM competencies, financial literacy, old-age workers' transition into retirement and risk of poverty, universality of social protection policies. Continuous collaboration with DG EMPL, DG EAC, DG ECFIN, EU agencies (Eurofound, Cedefop), and international organisations (ILO, OECD).


UNU MERIT, Netherlands

PhD in Public Policy; research focused on the role of cash and food transfers on gender attitudes, intra-household bargaining power, and food security.

Bocconi University, Italy

Master of Science (MSc) in Economic and Social Sciences.

Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil

Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Economics.

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