Florence Eicher

Florence Eicher

Belgium, Brussels
Competition Lawyer at Latham & Watkins
Profession: Lawyer
Industry: Competition, Law Practice, Life Sciences


Competition lawyer with particular interest in regulated industries and life sciences, currently at Latham & Watkins. Florence previously worked at Allen & Overy and as a Bluebook trainee at the European Commission, in the unit responsible for antitrust enforcement in the pharmaceutical sector. She is fluent in German, English, French and Dutch.


German, French, Dutch, English


AntitrustCartelsCompetition PolicyCompliance ProgrammesEU LawRestrictive PracticesAbuse of Dominance


Latham & Watkins

Competition Lawyer at Latham & Watkins

May 2023 - Present • Brussels, Belgium

EU, Belgian and German competition law.

Allen & Overy

Competition Lawyer at Allen & Overy

2 years 11 mth • April 2020 - March 2023 • Brussels, Belgium

EU, Belgian and German competition law.


KU Leuven

LLM, Belgian law

London School of Economics

LLM, Competition, Innovation and Trade law

Maastricht University / Université de Liège

LLB, Belgian and EU law

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