Emily O'Reilly

Emily O'Reilly

Belgium, Bruxelles
Public Policy Director at GIGAEurope
Profession: Director
Industry: Electronic Communications


Currently, I hold the role of Public Policy Director at GIGAEurope, which represents private operators that build, operate and invest in gigabit communications networks across Europe. Prior to this, I was the Deputy Director for Competition and Regulation at the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA). Having worked in the Irish telecoms regulator (ComReg), DG CONNECT and the Irish Competition Authority, I have 20 years of experience in the field of competition law enforcement and regulation.


English, Irish, German


Competition law enforcementAdvocacyElectronic Communications Regulation



Public Policy Director at GIGAEurope

September 2022 - Present • Brussels, Belgium

GIGAEurope represents private operators that build, operate and invest in gigabit communications networks across Europe. As the Public Policy Director, I'm responsible for the development and implementation of the public policy strategy of the organisation.

EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA)

Deputy Director for Competition & Regulation at EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA)

7 years 5 mth • April 2015 - September 2022 • Brussels, Belgium

Whilst overseeing the Competition Team in ESA, I led investigations into possible competition law infringements in Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. This also entailed supervising our close cooperation with the European Commission and the national competition authorities. In addition, as an expert in telecoms regulation, I supervised the EEA consultation mechanism for electronic communications services. This involved responsibility for issuing important policy guidance on draft measures notified by the national regulatory authorities.

Economist at EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA)

2 years • March 2013 - March 2015 • Brussels, Belgium

This position involved contributing expert economic input in investigations into potential breaches of the EEA competition rules, as well as providing specialist advice on the broadband state aid rules. Given my expertise in telecoms regulation, I was also a leading analyst on the eCom Taskforce.


Brussels School of Competition

LLM in EU Competition Law

Kings College London

Postgraduate Diploma in EU Competition Law

University College Dublin

MEconSc in European Economic & Public Affairs

Trinity College Dublin

BA in Economics & German

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