Catherine Gordley

Catherine Gordley

Belgium, Brussels
Counsel at Van Bael & Bellis
Profession: Lawyer, Attorney / Solicitor
Industry: Competition, Law Practice


My practice focuses on EU competition law. I have particular experience in merger control, including advising clients in Phase II merger proceedings and in other transactions requiring remedies. I also advise on distribution, licensing and abuse of dominance issues. I am active in the life sciences sector, advising pharmaceutical companies on matters related to distribution, pricing, product denigration and generic/biosimilar market entry.


English, French, Italian


AntitrustCompliance ProgrammesCompetition PolicyMerger Control


Van Bael & Bellis

Counsel at Van Bael & Bellis

October 2017 - Present • Bruxelles, Belgium

I represent clients before the European Commission in complex merger proceedings as well as in antitrust and abuse of dominance investigations.


Université libre de Bruxelles

LL.M. in EU Competition Law

Harvard Law School


University of Graz

Master in EU integration studies

Yale University

B.A. European History

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