Carlota Reyners Fontana
Director at the European Commission's DG COMP in charge of the enforcement of antitrust, merger and state aid rules in the field of information technology, communications and media. She previously worked for eight years at DG CONNECT in charge of policy in the electronic communications sector, leading legislative projects such as the Digital Decade Policy Programme for 2030. In 2012 - 2014, she was Member of cabinet of Vice-President Neelie Kroes, Commissioner responsible for Digital Agenda. She has previously worked as case handler At DG COMP as well as a competition lawyer in a leading European telecommunications company and a Brussels based international law firm. She holds a law degree from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and a Master in European law from the Université Libre de Bruxelles.
English, Spanish
Directorate General Competition (DG COMP) - European Commission
Director at Directorate General Competition (DG COMP) - European Commission
Present • Brussels, Belgium