Beatriz Medeiros Navarro Santos

Beatriz Medeiros Navarro Santos

Portugal, Lisbon
Senior Associate at SRS Legal
Profession: Lawyer, Adviser / Consultant, Attorney / Solicitor
Industry: Competition, Law Practice, Compliance, Telecommunications, Pharma, Energy


Lawyer in Brazil and in Portugal, mainly specializing in Competition Law and Antitrust.


Portuguese, English, French


Abuse of DominanceCartelsCommercial agreementsMerger ControlLegal ResearchCompliance ProgrammesAntitrust


SRS Legal

Senior Associate at SRS Legal

February 2023 - Present • Lisbon, Portugal

Senior Lawyer at SRS Legal’s Competition and European Union Department, with more than eight years of experience. Beatriz has academic and professional experience in Brazil, Portugal, and Belgium.

Lisbon office

Lawyer and advisor at Lisbon office

1 years 1 mth • December 2021 - January 2023 • Lisbon, Portugal

Living in Lisbon, Portugal (since September 2020) and duly admitted to the Portuguese Bar Association, in addition to Antitrust, my work also involves the provision of legal assistance in all aspects related to a migration planning to Portugal (mainly from Brazil to Portugal). The services are provided to both individuals and companies and involves notably matters such as Portuguese citizenship, visas, investments in Portugal, Golden Visa, among others.


Brussels School of Competition

LL.M. (Master of Laws) in Competition Law and Economics

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC/SP

Bachelor of Laws degree from PUC/SP

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