Barbara Moigno

Barbara Moigno

Switzerland, Cham
Senior Legal Counsel at AMAG Group AG
Profession: Lawyer, In-House Counsel
Industry: Automotive, Competition


I am a senior legal counsel at AMAG, the general importer of the Volkswagen branded cars and parts. I am responsible for all legal issues in regards to competition law within the business unit responsible for import and distribution of such cars and automotive parts. I have a German and Swiss bar exam. The German bar exam was particularly addressed to competition law. My knowledge therein has been recently updated by postgraduating at the King's College in London in EU Competition law.


English, French, German, Italian


Abuse of DominanceAntitrust LawCommercial agreementsCartelsCompetition PolicyCompliance ProgrammesConsumer LawIP



Senior Legal Counsel at AMAG Group AG

June 2019 - Present • Cham, Schweiz

Responsible for all legal aspects in regards of import and distribution of cars and parts of the Volkswagen brands in Switzerland


Chief Legal Officer at SCOTT Sports SA

15 years • May 2004 - May 2019 • Givisiez, Schweiz

Responsible for all legal aspects in regards of production, design, marketing and distribution of sporting goods all over the world.


King's College London

Postgraduate diploma in EU Competition Law

Canton of Basel Stadt Switzerland

Swiss Bar Exam of Law

State of Bavaria, Germany

German Bar Exam, Focus on German and EU Competition Law

Julius Maximilian University Würzburg

First State Examination in Law, Focus on German and EU Competition Law

Julius Maximilian University Würzburg

Master in European Law

University of Lausanne

International Private Law and European Trademark Law

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