Asa S. Hallsdottir

Asa S. Hallsdottir

Sweden, Göteborg
Head of Antitrust Compliance at Volvo Group
Profession: In-House Counsel, Lawyer
Industry: Competition, Automotive


Head of competition law / antitrust compliance at Volvo Group, advising the business on a variety of competition law issues. Before joining Volvo Group, Asa was based in Brussels where she worked at Cleary Gottlieb and the EFTA Surveillance Authority. She studied law at Reykjavik University, Stockholm University, and Columbia Law School.


Icelandic, English, Swedish


AntitrustCompetition PolicyEU LawMerger Control


Volvo Group

Head of Antitrust Compliance at Volvo Group

July 2021 - Present • Gothenburg, Sweden

Head of competition law / antitrust compliance.


Columbia University


Stockholm University

LL.M in European Law

Reykjavik University

B.A. and M.L. in law

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