Anu Lalith Kumar
Competition Law Officer with the Mergers Directorate of the Competition Bureau of Canada. Anu completed a dual JD/Master of Arts in Economics degree at Queen's University. She has developed extensive investigative skills, and experience in administrative law, and social assistance through her prior positions with the Queen's Legal Aid Clinic and the Office of the Ontario Ombudsman. She has a keen interest in competition law and hopes to further her career in this field.
Spanish, Malayalam
Competition Bureau Canada
Competition Law Officer at Competition Bureau Canada
November 2020 - Present • Toronto, Canada
The Competition Bureau is an independent law enforcement agency responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Competition Act. The mergers directorate within the Bureau is responsible for reviewing significant proposed corporate mergers and acquisitions for any potential substantial lessening or prevention of competition in the Canadian marketplace, and to ensure compliance with the Competition Act. Competition Law Officers within the mergers directorate review mergers and challenge those that could substantially lessen or prevent competition.Education:
Queen's University - Department of Economics
2016 - 2017
Master of Arts in Economics
Queen's University - Faculty of Law
2016 - 2019
Juris Doctor