Annette Schild

Annette Schild

Germany, Berlin
Founding Partner at Antitrust Law Schild
Profession: Attorney / Solicitor, Lawyer
Industry: Competition, Law Practice


Competition lawyer for almost 30 years; having worked in various US law firms (Cleary Gottlieb, Shearman & Sterling, Arnold & Porter) until 2014, when she started her own practice as an independent consultant. Editor in Chief of Competition Law and Policy Debate; NGA to the ICN for the European Commission etc.


English, German, French


AntitrustMerger Control


Antitrust Law Schild

Founding Partner at Antitrust Law Schild

August 2014 - Present • Brussels, Belgien

Working mostly on merger control (strategic analysis and small filings in Germany and the EU) and cartel matters (also before both authorities)
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