Annabelle Leclercq

Annabelle Leclercq

Belgium, Brussels
Associate Principal at RBB Economics
Profession: Economist
Industry: Competition, Economics, Consulting


Associate Principal at RBB Economics. Annabelle joined RBB in 2020, having previously worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers. At RBB, Annabelle has worked on a wide range of competition matters before the European Commission and national authorities in Europe. Annabelle holds a postgraduate degree in Economics from Solvay Brussels School and has recently completed an LL.M. in Competition Law and Economics from the Brussels School of Competition.


French, English, Spanish


Abuse of DominanceAntitrustCartelsCompetition PolicyMerger ControlState Aid


RBB Economics

Associate Principal at RBB Economics

February 2020 - Present • Brussels, Belgium

Economic consultancy which assists clients in competition proceedings


Senior Consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers

2 years 4 mth • September 2017 - January 2020 • Brussels, Belgium

Consultancy in the energy sector and for network industries


Brussels School of Competition

LL.M. in Competition Law and Economics

Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management

Master Degree in Business Economics

Université Saint-Louis de Bruxelles

Trilingual Bachelor Degree in Economics and Management

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