Aleksandra Hyla

Aleksandra Hyla

Poland, Poznań
Associate at WKB Wierciński, Kwieciński, Baehr sp.j.
Profession: Academic / Scholar, Lawyer
Industry: Consumer Protection, Academia, Law Practice


She is a member of the competition and consumer protection law team in WKB Wierciński, Kwieciński, Baehr sp.j. and a PhD student at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań. She advises clients on matters related to Polish and EU consumer protection law. She works on her PhD thesis on the implementation of the sustainable development standard in consumer law. She is an author of scientific publications on issues of civil law and consumer law.


Polish, English


EU LawEnvironmental RegulationCompetition Policy


WKB Wierciński, Kwieciński, Baehr sp.j.

Associate at WKB Wierciński, Kwieciński, Baehr sp.j.

October 2020 - Present • Poznań, Poland

She advises clients from e-commerce and financial sector on matters related to Polish and EU consumer protection law, including aspects of counteracting the use of abusive clauses and infringement of collective consumer interests. Together with her team, she takes part in proceedings in front of the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.


Adam Mickiewicz University

I work on my PhD thesis on the implementation of the sustainable development standard in consumer law.

Adam Mickiewicz University

Master's thesis "Contract templates and ways of their modification in consumer trade".

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